Using the same luxurious aluminum as the artwork media itself, each Luxurious Squares™ limited edition artwork piece includes my Certificate of Authenticity permanently attached to the back of the artwork, attesting to my authorized release of the titled artwork piece and to the quality of its superb craftsmanship.
The 5” x 5” luxurious aluminum certificate also prevents any tampering or removal of the numbered certificate after delivery and is placed while the artwork is being crafted.
As the example image shows, my certificate includes the title of the piece with a thumbnail version of the artwork, the artwork’s sequence number in the release quantity, any associated original artwork quote, along with my statement concerning authorship of the artwork and my commitment to never exceed the artwork’s published release quantity indicated on each certificate.
The release quantity and availability of each of my titled artwork pieces is reduced by one for each shipped artwork piece, regardless of the final artwork size, until its published release quantity has been reached.